The Best Italian Beef

7 01 2012

When it comes to Italian food, Milwaukee doesn’t have a “Little Italy” portion of the city, but that certainly doesn’t imply that we don’t have our fair share of authentic restaurants and famous Italian, immigrant families.  Today I would like to praise the Italian Beef sandwich, which encompasses a rich history of juicy meat, soppy bread, and either spice and/or  sweetness from a crazy, homemade giardiniera!  As a connoisseur of the sandwich myself, here is where I go to experience such an epic piece of heaven (in several areas of the city).

Which establishment is your favorite?




6 01 2012

As the new year is beginning, many of us are hitting it hard back at work, yet still recovering from all of the holiday hoopla.  If you are in need of some spiritual healing to ease your mind, (as your ki (pronounced chi) is rebalanced) Reiki may be the right therapy for you.  Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing.  The purpose is to help people realize that healing the spirit by consciously deciding to improve oneself is a necessary part of the Reiki healing experience. In order for the Reiki healing energies to have lasting results, the client must accept responsibility for her or his healing and take an active part in it.  If this is of any interest, there are many practitioners throughout the city that are trained in performing this special technique.

TRX Training

5 01 2012

When I’ve been in the BEST shape of my life it involved TRX training (and Kate Gigstad from the WAC).  TRX suspension training was originally developed by the Navy Seals to prepare them for combat.  The TRX straps that you use, leverage gravity and your body weight to enable a variety of exercises that develop strength, balance, flexibility, and core.  Check out this video of quarterback Drew Brees using the TRX to get ready for the season!  YUM.

Here’s where you can try it for yourself: